fear is an idiot

How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future

How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future

How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future


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How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future

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How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future

How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future



How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future is a trending topic that needs to be addressed and I feel the need to do so with this blog. I see the future. I’ve seen it for years, and I’ve seen a lot of things change. Some of these changes were good; some were bad. But one thing has remained the same: fear.
And no matter how far-off your future may seem, it’s coming for all of us sooner or later. So here’s what I recommend: learn what scares you about the future so that when it happens, you’ll be ready—and not afraid anymore! How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future? Continue reading…

Afraid of the unknown

This is the number one way How Not To Be Afraid Of The FutureThe unknown is frightening because it’s different from what you know. It’s scary because you don’t know what to expect, and it’s uncertain, which means there are no guarantees that things will go according to plan. And the more uncertainty there is in your life, the less control over things you have — and being out of control can make anyone feel uneasy.
But here’s the thing: The future is inevitable, whether we like it or not (and if we’re lucky enough not to die before then). Even if we could predict with 100% accuracy exactly how our lives would play out from now on (which we obviously can’t), doing so wouldn’t change anything about where we’re going or what’s coming up next. So instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow or next week; focus instead on doing everything today that makes tomorrow better than today was yesterday!

Afraid of losing control

The truth is, you can’t control everything. You don’t have to. Your actions and reactions are within your power, but not the actions and reactions of others.
This may seem like a small distinction, but it’s important—you’ll be better able to manage the stress of life if you understand that there are things in this world out of your control. When we’re confronted with an uncertain future or an unexpected outcome, our first instinct is often to panic: “What if I lose my job? How will I pay for rent? What if something happens to my family?”
But when we react by worrying about every possible scenario instead of preparing for what’s actually likely to happen (and being prepared), we end up wasting time and energy on useless fretting rather than focusing on what matters most: our attitude toward the situation at hand. This is another method of How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future

Afraid of failure or success

Everyone has fears, but the most common is fear of failure and fear of success. The fear of failure can lead to procrastination, while the fear of success can lead you down a path toward arrogance.
Let’s start with Fear Of Failure (FOF). This is when you’re so scared at the idea of not being good enough that you never try anything new or exciting because it’ll just make your life worse than it already is.
If you feel like this is happening to you then there’s an easy way to fix it: simply write down all your fears on a piece of paper and then burn them in front of an open fire (or incinerator). If not that works for you then maybe try trying something else! Maybe try –
Fear Of Success (FOS). This is when someone who has been told their whole life how great they suddenly believe their own hype and begins acting like an arrogant fool who thinks everything about themselves is perfect and anyone who disagrees with them deserves death by laser beam! It usually happens after achieving some kind of goal or milestone where people start taking notice, so if this sounds like something going on for yourself then don’t be afraid–just remember, everyone makes mistakes sometimes; no one expects perfection from anyone here today.”

Afraid of having to change your life

It’s inevitable that you’ll have to change your life in some way, whether it’s moving to a new city or changing jobs. But fear of this is nothing new; it dates back at least as far as the Industrial Revolution when people were afraid they’d be replaced by robots. The trick is to embrace change instead of fearing it—because in most cases, even if the future means a big career move or relocation, there are plenty of upsides too.
Take me for example I’ve had several careers since college—and in fact, I’m still not done switching things up! Each time I’ve moved on from one thing to another (sometimes more than once), I’ve been able to take what I learned from my old job and apply it in some new way. Not only does this mean my work experience keeps expanding year after year—but it also means that each subsequent job has been more interesting and rewarding than the last one was.

Afraid of becoming a stranger to yourself

The fear of becoming a stranger to yourself is a common one. It’s natural to feel like your life is changing so quickly that you’re losing control over it and the person you’ve become along the way. The best way to avoid this fear is by not letting yourself get caught up in worrying about what other people think of you. If someone says something negative about your choices, ignore it—it’s their problem, not yours! You can also help yourself by surrounding yourself with people who value and respect the decisions that you make.

Afraid that you have no future at all

The fear that you have no future at all.
No, this doesn’t mean the end of your life or even of your career. It simply means that things will change in ways you can’t predict, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
This is a terrifying prospect because it means that your world has become completely unpredictable: one day you’re headed toward big success with an exciting job and an exciting life plan, and the next day everything has changed out from under you—and just like that, there’s nothing left except uncertainty about what’s going to happen next. You’ll never know whether something good or bad will come along next; it’s all part of some uncertain pattern beyond anyone’s control.

Once you know your fears, it’s easier to face them.

  • Knowing your fears can help you overcome them.
  • To be afraid is to lack understanding.
  • Fear can be rational or irrational.
  • Rational fear is based on a reasonable assessment of the situation at hand, while irrational fear isn’t based on evidence or logic; it’s just being scared because it’s scary!
  • Both kinds of fear are important in our lives—they keep us safe from harm and guide us away from danger—but they’re not equally helpful when it comes to making decisions about how to live our lives long-term. For example, if you decide that every time someone yells at you they’re going to hit you with their car, then your life would probably be pretty stressful as well as accident-prone…and also full of cars!


On How Not To Be Afraid Of The Future, I know that for me, facing my fears has been an ongoing process that I’m still working on. But the most important thing is to recognize that you’re not alone in feeling this way and it’s okay to ask for help. I hope that sharing my experiences with you here today, will give others some courage to do the same!
Get my latest book titled: FEAR IS AN IDIOT
Author: Ikwuagwu Igwe Kalu


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